WW1 Aviation Heritage’s 2 V-Strutters will be going head to head on Sunday 4th Sep at the Old Warden Vintage Display. It is the first time that the Albatros will display at Old Warden despite being assembled there on arrival from New Zealand in 2018. Registration and COVID have consumed the interval. These two aircraft types did meet in August 1917 when the valiant N17 became the 8th kill (of 20) of Lt Otto Kissinberth in his Albatros. The Albatros DVa production would reach a peak by the end of 1917 and the N17, despite valiant service in the hands of aces such as Ball and Bishop and many French airmen, was being superceded by the SE5a and SPAD by that time.
If you want to try your hand at flying an SE5 or Bristol Fighter why not join us at out Flight Simulator which will also be at Old Warden on Sun 4th Sep. The ‘Sim’ is a 1915 design, the creation of Major Lanoe Hawker VC DSO, and was used for live firing at moving targets on a range from the cockpit known then as a Rocking Nacelle. With the help of DCMS grants in 2016 and more during COVID, we have configured a VR game controlled by the Rocking Nacelle offering 6 missions – training, gunnery, contact patrols, air to air combat, Zeppelin busting at night and a composite sortie destroying observation balloons defended on the ground and in the air. The flight simulator is available for booking for events and STEM activities – contact dick.forsythe@ww1aviationheritagetrust.co.uk for more information.