AA 20140625 AA Flight in BE2c 2280



BE2e A2767 being prepared for a familiarisation flight from Old Warden. This week has been very successful with Gene De Marco air testing both aircraft and checking out the pilots who will fly the aircraft when he is back in New Zealand



AA BE2c 20140625 OldWarden AA Flight 2367


BE2e A2943 in No 7 Squadron "1917" markings deterrmined by the the white stripes on the fuselage as this is a PC10-covered aircraft. On clear doped aircraft the stripes were black.  The current Squadron badge was authorised by King George VI in June 1931 although it was in use since 1926. The badge is described as a seven stars forming a repesentation of the constellation Ursa Major.  Both aircraft will be at Stow Maries for Armed Forces Day next Saturday